Name of Organization:
Concerned Generation Network
Sierra Leone
Project Category:
Clean Energy
Grant Amount:
USD 750.
Community Benefited:
Bombali District, Northern Region Sierra Leone
Project Description
This project provides an alternative solution to continue cooking fuel through the Promotion of cooking fuel through briquette enterprising. We make our briquette through Organic waste such as municipal waste, charcoal dust, sawdust, other wood remnants or agricultural byproducts for providing domestic cooking energy fuel. This idea is an integrative climate change enterprise that does not only contribute to fundamental understanding of climate change but also informs and expands climate choices. Briquettes offer a practical solution to supplement the use of wood and charcoal as fuel for use in the home and industries to reduce the pressure on forests and lower pollution levels in urban areas. This project offers an employment opportunity for young men and women and further create an ecological benefit to preserve forests. This project has huge community impact as the Burning of biomass briquettes to cook prevents indoor air pollution and other health hazards thereby contributing to reduced child mortality and improved maternal health. It is the goal that this project will have multiple-benefits: Social, economic and environmental. Women’s and youths’ empowerment in terms of economical as well as health benefits - emission reductions and further contributes to a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) intended for community impact like reduction of energy poverty (SDG 1), lessening exposure to health risks (SDG 3), reducing drudgery for women in collecting wood fuel (SDG 5), improving access to modern energy (SDG 7), reducing GHG emissions and strengthening communities’ resilience to climate change (SDG 13), and diminishing pressure on forest resources (SDG 15) Goal is been achieved of clean cooking to promote the enterprise-driven, large-scale adoption of clean cooking solutions.