It has come to our attention that there is an exisiting gap in terms of funding for youth to attend the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, also refered to as the Conference of Parties or COP.
Our current mission limits us to the amount and level of funding we can provide for young people eager to attend the COPs. It is our hope however, going forward that we are able to start a process of providing funding to young people deserving of these opportunities, because we truly believe that attending even one COP in your lifetime can impact your view on how your actions can change the planet for the better.
At this time, however, we are unable to provide funding to those of you seeking funding to attend this year's COP. We are very much painfully aware of this gap and we have read each email we have received regarding this issue.
We would like to direct you towards other organizations that may provide assistance for youth focused organizations like the UNEP-MGCY and GYBN and YOUNGO.
For organizations and donors that may wish to support an endowment towards scholarships to attend COPs for youth please write to us at Send email to and we will be pleased to develop this idea further.
We appreciate your understanding and hope to contribute towards this gap in the coming years.
The GYCAF Team