Name of Organization:
Sustainable Energy and Enterprise Development for Communities, Inc. (Seed4com)
Project Category:
Clean Energy.
Grant Amount:
USD 600.
Community Benefited:
The target market size is the Region 7-Central Visayas of the Philippines since this places was very vulnerable to Typhoon Rai(Local name: Odette) and it's urgently needed to recover and regain.
Project Description
The Philippines is compromises with approximately 7,640 Islands .In which the country is prone to disaster because it is line to Ring of Fire. When the disaster whip to the island, the light -material houses immediately destroyed and the status of the individual household are back to zero. Then,about the light they used cheaper ones for their source of light in their island just like candle, gas lamps,and etc.
In that way, they have a poor source of electricity and prone to any accident that could lead to any perilous situation.
So, the SEED4com (Sustainable Energy and Enterprise Development for Communities) take an iniative for their light and safety. They make a solar lamp or to be called "HeroOfLight".-A clean energy resolution,restoration and rehabilitation. In solving the problem, our way to solved is to provide them a solar lamp with the lifespan 5 to 10 years so that they can change the expenses of buying a candle, gas lamps or anything that can be danger to light-house materials to a good means.
For instance, when the typhoon Rai (Local name: Odette) strongly hit in the Philippines. The Seed4com still sending a ray of hoped and light for the different islet of Lapu-Lapu who is more vulnerable to typhoon by providing them a HeroOfLight for a good and better light of their household.