Name of Organization:
Legado Gaia (LEGAIA)
South America
Project Category:
Sustainable Agriculture.
Grant Amount:
USD 750.
Community Benefited:
Mainly, the Popotla neighborhood in Mexico City. If we achieve to do a second brigade with the funds, we will do it in Doctores neighborhood.
Project Description
The project "Siembra Esperanza Climática" will create a climate brigade in Mexico City, specifically in the Popotla neighborhood (if after that brigade, we still have funds, we will establish the second brigade in the Doctores neighborhood). This brigade aims to weave community networks in the face of the current socio-environmental crisis. We aim to sow hope for a future where climate justice prevails. The brigade will last a month and will be made up of a series of talks, rallies, and workshops. At the end of it, we will establish the Huerto de Acción Climático Popotla (Climate Action Garden). Through this garden, we want to generate a space of community and climate action in Mexico City, where we show that climate hope in cities still exists.