Name of Organization:
Zimbabwe Youth For Impaired Persons Trust (ZYIPT)
Project Category:
Sustainable Smart Agriculture
Grant Amount:
USD 750.
Community Benefited:
i) Increased economic independence, food consumption score and sustained incomes for disabled youths in Arda Transau.
ii) Increased community ownership on protection of ecosystems for biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use.
iii) Positive contribution to Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2, 11, and 14.
Project Description
Zimbabwe Youth For Impaired Persons Trust is to train a group of Youths With Disability (YWDs) to farm fish in a sustainable and comfortable way. The project will train 15 YWDs on fish farming knowledge and management. With reference to a baseline survey done by ZYIPT, YWDs in Arda Transau have been excluded from actively participating in income generating activities, hence the need to fill this equality gap. The understated project will also sensitize program beneficiaries and the community on how to conserve the environment through gully reclamation, tree planting and wetlands protection which resonates to GYCAF mission on protecting ecosystems for biodiversity conservation.